Friday, January 4, 2019

Every Day Counts

Each day is an untouched canvas and nothing is promised to me but its passing.

I swear one minute it can be 5:30 AM and I'm sitting all happy sipping coffee perusing Facebook and forums and the next minute it's 9:00 AM and nothing has been done.  I've found I can get overwhelmed and lost in my cerebral to-do list and in turn engage in a mental and behavioral freeze and distraction.  Consequently, I've adopted with gratitude the discipline of intentionality.  I'm
deliberate with my time because I no longer take it for granted after my loss and because time is important when you homestead alone on 30 acres.  I keep focused on the many chores to be done while being mindful of the creeping vampire of overwhelm that can slither in and trick me like the primordial snake.  I try hard to be faithful to my daily responsibilities while loosely flirting with the many dreams dancing in my head .  When I keep this balance, I run at my best.  I've found that every night before I go to sleep I write down what I need and want to accomplish the next day that I know will give meaning and purpose.  I make sure it's a reasonable list.  I make a commitment to myself and to tomorrow.  I know that an average day filled with average chores will bring significance to me and the time given.  I seek to honor myself, my life and the day by being responsible to it.  This also keeps me humble and provides the simplicity I think will produce rich contentment in life.  Well, I'm banking on it at least... and, it's worked so far.  I have faith that if I stay focused on today that tomorrow will hold what I need.  The simple will give way to the complex.  This might not be the solution for everyone, but it's my rhythm.  So, I'm delighted to hold the tension between the freedom in life and the burden of responsibility.  I'll gladly embrace the opportunity to live independently at the expense of the emotional and practical weight it sometimes carries.  I love this crazy life!  I'm not sure what this winter is going to hold or what all I'm going to accomplish on these 30 acres, but I know what I'm doing tomorrow.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Greetings,
    Just came across your blog. This was well said. You are quite remarkable and an inspiration! God bless you!
